
Engineer called upon to examine Lough Major

May 29, 2024 07:39 By News Northern Sound
Engineer called upon to examine Lough Major
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Councillor Sean Gilliland has raised the matter with the Ballybay-Clones MD.

An engineer is being called on to look at a 'shelf' on the bed of Lough Major in Ballybay. Last year, Ballybay-Clones Municipal District Council took the exceptional decision to develop a manmade beach on the shores of the lough, which, has proven to be a hit with families, swimmers and sun worshippers. Swimmers have described a shelf on the bed of the freshwater lake which, falls off in a significant drop and which has caught some unawares.

Councillor Sean Gilliland has raised the matter with the Ballybay-Clones MD which, in turn has agreed to appoint an engineer to look into whether the shelf poses any danger to bathers or if it should be reduced. Cllr Gilliland urges water safety in any case and says if something can or needs to be done to make Ballybay Beach more safe, the expert engineers will advise the council:

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