
Local TD calls again for release of Dublin/Monaghan bombing files

May 15, 2024 15:35 By News Northern Sound
Local TD calls again for release of Dublin/Monaghan bombing files
Image courtesy of Monaghan County Museum and Donal McEnroe Collections.
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This week marks the 50th anniversary of the bombings

A local TD has reiterated his disgust at the British Government's refusal to release files on the Dublin and Monaghan bombings.

Deputy Brendan Smith said there were many dark days on this island during the Troubles. The darkest of all was 17 May 1974, with the murder of 34 innocent people in Monaghan and Dublin and injuries caused to more than 300 people. This week marks the 50th anniversary of the bombings.

The Dail passed a motion yesterday for the fourth time seeking the release by the Westminster Government of the files on the 1974 atrocities. Those atrocities resulted in the highest number of casualties on any one day during that very difficult time. The UVF, a loyalist paramilitary group, claimed responsibility for them, Deputy Smith says there are clearly credible allegations that elements of the British security forces colluded with the UVF in the bombings.


The Cavan Monaghan TD says it's totally unacceptable that the British Government continues to ignore the requests of successive Irish Governments and the unanimous motions passed by this House in 2008, 2011 and 2016. Deputy Smith says these families deserve to know the truth behind that terrible day 50 years ago.

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