
Minister Humphreys endorses Simon Harris for Taoiseach

Mar 21, 2024 16:48 By News Northern Sound
Minister Humphreys endorses Simon Harris for Taoiseach
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The local Minister said she had received a lot of support to urge her to make a bid for the job.

The Social Protection Minister Heather Humphreys has endorsed Simon Harris to be the next leader of Fine Gael.

She confirmed to Northern Sound earlier today that she would not be putting her name in the ring for the top job. Minister Humphreys said that after careful serious consideration with her family, she decided the job wasn't for her.

She said she has a husband, two children, adding that one of her daughters was getting married in two weeks’ time, two beautiful grandchildren and a very busy job with two ministries of two departments,


The news follows on from the shock announcement yesterday that Leo Varadkar was stepping down. The local Minister said she had received a lot of support to urge her to make a bid for the job but speaking on the Wider View programme earlier she said it wasn't for her.

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