
National effort to rezone land in Belturbet under new CDP scuppered

May 30, 2022 17:30 By News Northern Sound
National effort to rezone land in Belturbet under new CDP scuppered
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'Belturbet needs more accommodation'

Members of Cavan Co Council voted to accept their newly devised County Development Plan 2023-2028 this afternoon.

There were a number of amendments to be made, however, before they reached agreement.

One matter that brought proceedings to a standstill for a short while was a suggestion - governed by national policy - that land at Bridge Street in Belturbet be rezoned from residential/commercial to recreation/amenity.


The meeting heard the area was on a flood plane.

Cllr Brendan Faye pointed out to those gathered that he was totally opposed to any such move.

He added that there were businesses in the area that would be prevented from future expansion and development if the land was rezoned.


Cllr Faye also highlighted that Belturbet needed more accommodation for its population and that need would remain into the future.

He was told by Cavan Co Council’s executive that there would be "wider implications" if the recommendation was not adhered to.

However, Cllr Faye’s colleagues supported his calls.


As a result, the current land zoning status for Bridge Street in Belturbet remains in place.

"We need accommodation, we need more accommodation in Belturbet." Cllr Faye continued.

"The situation now is that the zoning has been left as is: that is residential and business.


"And that is good."

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