An open day for social farming takes place next Tuesday on Corrigan's Dairy farm in Carrickmacross.
Social Farming offers people availing of health or social care supports the opportunity to spend time, and carry out activities, on ordinary working family farms.
Currently, there are just two Social Farms in Co Monaghan.
National Coordinator with Social Farming Ireland, Helen Doherty, says the initiative provides "huge benefits" for participants.

She adds that it builds on their sense of purpose and on their sense of belonging.
Currently there are 130 active Social Farms available nationally, with the smallest farm being just one acre (a grower) and the largest being a dairy farm extending to several hundred acres.

Social Farming Ireland is on the lookout for more farmers across the Northern Sound region to get involved in this community based farming practice.
Its a win win situation to be involved in and break down barriers in the community.