
Listen Back: Cavan needs more youth mental health support

Dec 1, 2023 17:07 By News Northern Sound
Listen Back: Cavan needs more youth mental health support
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The Health Minister may have met his match when it comes to Cavan councillor and mental health advocate, Brendan Fay, who has vowed to fight for proper mental health care for young people in Cavan.

The Belturbet father and SOSAD volunteer told Northern Sound he "won't let it lie" when it comes to pushing the Health Minister about the issue and this month he asked Cavan County Council to write Stephen Donnelly and ask why there is not adequate services in this area.

Belturbet has seen its fair share of bereavement, Cllr Fay said but, the Government has adopted an attitude of "the community will heal itself" and that is not good enough.


An impassioned Brendan Fay spoke to Zoe Tunney and said for too long now the Government has been getting it wrong and just getting the same results.




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