
News - apology

Calls for public apology for Dublin/Monaghan Bombings

Calls for public apology for Dublin/Monaghan Bombings

May 15, 2024 07:41
Local TD says apology for Mail on Sunday article last week is 'welcome'

Local TD says apology for Mail on Sunday article last week is 'welcome'

Sep 20, 2021 13:27
Taoiseach will apologise on behalf of the State to survivors of Mother and Baby Homes

Taoiseach will apologise on behalf of the State to survivors of Mother and Baby Homes

Jan 13, 2021 08:16
Commission of Investigation's final report into Mother and Baby Homes goes to Cabinet later

Commission of Investigation's final report into Mother and Baby Homes goes to Cabinet later

Jan 12, 2021 07:54

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